DIY Earrings

DIY Earrings

Jewelry can definitely enhance an outfit. Unfortunately, finding jewelry that is affordable without breaking the bank is tough! I mainly stick to earrings when accessorizing, however those too can cost anywhere from $2.00 to $10.00(+), a little to high for something I can lose so easily. With that being said, making your own jewelry is not only more affordable but can also be made to your liking, not to mention fast and easy to make! 

Here's What You'll Need: 
Thumb Tacks ($1 @ Dollar Store)
 Q tips ($1.00)
E 6000 - adhesive ($4-$6)
Pearls, Buttons, Flowers, Etc. to decorate earring with

 Step 1.) Apply adhesive to thumb tack (use Q tip to distribute glue evenly).
Step 2.)  Place decoration onto front of thumb tack. 
Step 3.) Let dry for 5 minutes
Step 4.) Repeat steps 1-3 with new thumb tack to create second earring. 

 Finished Product!

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