Who Run the World? CURLS!

For someone that has string straight hair like myself, I'm always looking to do new things with my mane. However, being that it is straight, my hair has problems holding curls. So if you're like me or just want to try a new do, here's how I create long lasting and heat-less curls!

 What You'll Need:
Foam Rollers
Spray bottle

These are the foam rollers I used; they range from small, medium to large.
 Start with damp hair, this is where the spray bottle comes into use unless previously washed (I washed mine, 80% was completely dry before I started curling). When you're ready to curl, take one inch sections of hair, placing the end of hair on foam curler, roll under. Do this all over scalp until finished. I slept on mine however you could put rollers in during the morning time, let set until dry and then remove.

 This is the side view and back of my head. I love that the foam rollers make the curls look more natural and voluminous!

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